Tuesday, September 1, 2009

MRI/Surgery Update

We got the MRI done tonight at around 8pm. Robert did so good. He was nice and still and they said we got some really good pictures for the Dr. It was really tough to send him down the MRI tube all by himself. He just looked so small in there. However, our nurse/technician was very nice and really helpful. We should be all set for the morning.

We are supposed to be at the hospital at 6am, and the surgery will start at 7:30am. The surgery is supposed to last around an hour. It sounds like we will get to stay with him all the way up until Dr. George actually starts the procedure.

We will probably stay in the hospital for at least 48 hours. If Robert is doing really well we may get to leave Thursday evening, but more than likely it will be Friday morning/afternoon.

Thanks for all your support and prayers! It means so much to us!

On a side note, I almost managed to break the MRI machine. :) They make you leave anything metal outside the room, and there are signs all over the doors that say 'No Metal Past This Point'. After we finished I went out and grabbed Robert's clothes and walked back into the room. Oops! His clothes had metal snaps on them, which is why they were outside the room!! The nurse was really nice about it, but was obviously irritated. Lack of sleep seems to be catching up with me.

1 comment:

  1. Funny story about the whole no metal thing. Don't worry those little MRI machines aren't expensive I am sure:)
