Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A light at the end of the tunnel

We have moved into our inpatient room. Everything is going very well so far. Robert nursed right when we got up to this room. This was very exciting, because the Dr. said he may have to re-learn how to do that afterward. We thought it was a very good sign that he remembered how he was doing it, and that he was hungry right away!! Since then he has been nursing regularly, and we have changed 4 dirty diapers!

Robert is doing so good. He is such a tough little guy. He is actually sound asleep right now. :)You can already tell a difference in his head. The fluid has already started to drain. His incisions look very clean, and seem to be healing up. It looks like Dr. George did an amazing job for us!

The nurse thinks if everything stays like this we may get to go home tomorrow evening!

Thanks again for all the support! It has been amazing. We are continuing to pray that Robert stays free of infection, and for healing in general.


  1. Bryan, thanks for the updates...I've been thinking of your family all day! I am so glad everything went well today--he sounds likes such an easy going baby..I can't wait to meet him! Please let me know if there is anything at all I can do.

  2. We have been thinking about y'all and sending up prayers. So glad he is doing well. How are his parents? :) Thanks for the updates and let us know what we can do to help.
