Thursday, December 3, 2009
3 month Checkup
Kelly took Robert to his MRI appointment this morning. The MRI took place at an imaging center that is downstairs from Dr. George's office. Luckily, the MRI went really fast. They call it a fast acquisition MRI, because it takes less than five minutes. We talked with the MRI tech about how nice it was for Robert's brain to be scanned so quickly, and she said Dr. George is the one who developed fast acquisition MRIs! We were glad it was a quick MRI, because Robert had a hard time staying still! We didn't want to have to sedate Robert, so the MRI tech tried to wrap him up real tight to keep him from moving around. Dell Childrens Hospital uses body casts to keep the babies still, but this imaging center didn't have any of those, so they wrapped him up real tight in a blanket. Then they gave Kelly earplugs and they put headphones on Robert. The MRI tech told Kelly that babies really hate earplugs - they'd almost rather hear the loud MRI machine than have earplugs in their ears. So they put headphones on Robert. Kelly said it was so cute to see Robert with these giant headphones on - they even had a microphone attached. Robert looked like a little pilot! They wrapped him up real tight and told Kelly to stick her head in the machine to talk to him and hopefully keep him still. Well, that didn't work so well - Robert kicked and screamed the entire time. They weren't able to get any good pictures, so they asked Kelly to lay on the table with Robert - actually on top of Robert! They wanted her to lay her head on Robert's stomach to comfort him. Then they ran them both through the MRI machine! Luckily, Robert settled down immediately and they were able to get a good luck at Robert's brain - and maybe Kelly's too! Kelly had no idea when she brought Robert in this morning that she was also going to have an MRI!
We met with Dr. Lee about an hour after the MRI. When we met with Dr. Lee he said that Robert's MRI looked completely normal! That was such a relief and wonderful news to hear. He looked over the shunt and checked to make sure it was still pumping fine. He said everything looked great. We were amazed to see the difference between the MRI in September and the MRI today. Robert's MRI in September was basically black, because there was so much fluid covering his brain. The extra fluid pushed all of his brain tissue to the edge, so you could hardly see it on the MRI. The MRI today was completely grey, showing quite a bit of brain tissue and hardly any fluid! It was really neat to see. We were so relieved after today's appointment. We got the best news that we could have asked for!
We did talk about a few other questions. Robert has a bit of a head tilt and is also developing a little bit of a flat spot on one side of his head. We think that both of these may be related to the location of the shunt, because Robert prefers to lay on the side without the shunt. So, we are going to have referrals to a couple of specialists for physical therapy so we can make the side of his head with the shunt a little stronger. The nice part is that the physical therapists make house calls! Dr. Lee said Robert probably won't need much physical therapy, if any at all. Usually these types of things will work themselves out over time, but it never hurts to have a specialist take a look.
We were very happy with the outcome of our appointment today. We will go back to see Dr. George in June (six months from now), and then we'll start our yearly visits after that. We cannot thank you enough for your prayers and well wishes. They have definitely made a difference. We are so thankful to have such a great support system.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
An Update on Baby Robert
At this point we seem to be back to taking care of a new baby now! We are doing all of the new baby things, and we're having a great time! Robert has his days and nights mixed up, so we are all having a hard time getting sleep, but other than that things are really going well!
We will go back to the pediatrician in October for Robert's two month checkup, and we have an appointment scheduled with Dr. George in December to check on the shunt. Robert will also have an MRI in December to make sure the fluid is still draining properly. We will continue to keep you updated through the blog. We cannot thank you enough for continuing to keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Robert is our little miracle baby, and we are so thankful to have the support of family and friends!
Friday, September 4, 2009
First Day at Home
Let me try to answer Mark's question about why Robert will still have the shunt as a teenager. You are testing my knowledge a little bit on this one, so forgive me if I get some of this wrong. My understanding is that the fluid in the brain (CSF) is created by the brain. It flows around in the brain and the spinal cord. The fluid has to be present for the health of the brain and the spinal cord. As the fluid flows through all the spaces some of it is absorbed by the body. At the same time the brain is creating more fluid to make up for what is lost. That way it will stay in balance. In Robert's case his brain is still creating fluid like it should but it is not able to flow like normal and so it builds up. The shunt has a valve in it, which opens up to drain when there is a certain amount of pressure. Once the fluid drains down, the valve will close. As the brain creates more fluid, the pressure will rise and the valve will open back up to drain it. The shunt acts as the balance to the production of the fluid, as well as draining this initial high volume of fluid. I am not sure how well I explained that, because I just thought of a new question based on my explanation. :) If the fluid is needed for a healthy brain and spinal cord, and Robert's brain is preventing the fluid from flowing correctly, is there an issue with the fluid not getting to these other areas? The simple answer may be that the fluid is created in multiple places and we are just draining it from the area that has the problem. Based on a quick google it sounds like this might be the case. I will ask Dr. George on Tuesday though.
Another train of thought on that question is that you could possibly target the areas that produce the CSF and try to lower the production. This would be similar to the surgery they did on my eye to lower the fluid production and help my glaucoma. I asked Dr. George about this, and he didn't think it was a good option for Robert. It sounded like it does not have very consistent results at this point. I think it may be that the brain is so complex it is hard to target the exact area and achieve the desired outcome.
On another note. We got some more great news when we got home yesterday. We had decided to bank Robert's cord blood before he was born. We had wanted to do this with Jack, but we just couldn't find the money and weren't entirely sure it was a good plan. I kind of kicked myself afterward, and told myself I would look at it more seriously the next time. When we had the opportunity during this pregnancy, we started asking a lot more questions and looked at all the options. We both decided we should really try to bank the cord blood this time. Our thought was if we ever needed it down the road to try to save one of our children, it would be worth any price. We might not ever need it, but you never know what the future holds. The other important thing we kept in mind was that cord blood treatments will grow exponentially in the coming years, and there will continue to be more and more options available. Since you only get one chance to do it, we went ahead and set everything up. The good news is that our collection made it to the storage facility and was successfully processed and stored for Robert! We also got a very good collection. The minimum number of cells they require for storage is 100 million. Our collection had 800 million cells! We owe Dr. Phillips (the Dr. who delivered Robert) a big thanks for doing a great job on the cord blood collection. We are just starting to do our research but we have found some information that talks about using cord blood to treat brain complications. Again, we don't know what the future holds, but we thank God that we have this option!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Going Home!
Praise God!
We go back to see Dr. George on Tuesday. Then we start our regular visits after that.
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Hospital Day 2
We met with Dr. George this morning. He said everything looks really good. He said the shunt will drain the fluid over time rather than all at once. He also said he could already see a difference (we have too), but we will continue to see his head change as the fluid drains over the next week or so. We will just have to wait and see. We are so glad that Dr. George has been our Dr. The more we talk with him the more we really like him. We asked him 20 questions this morning, and he was very patient with us and made sure he answered them all. He said we would need to come back to see him in a couple of weeks. After that it would be one month, then three, and then six. After Robert turns two we would start yearly visits. All that changes if we run into issues, but it was nice to know what the schedule would start to look like. One of our big questions was how much do we have to worry about him damaging the shunt while he's playing with Jack or just being a normal kid. He said it is very hard to damage the shunt but it does happen. The next thing he said was probably the best thing he could have ever said to me. He said that the whole idea here was to give Robert the ability to have a normal life. If he wasn't going to have the option to have a normal life, then what would be the reason to do all this? He said we won't have to watch him and worry about the shunt every minute. He can even play sports! He wouldn't recommend football, rugby, or boxing, but he doesn't recommend those sports to anyone.
We have also noticed that Robert seems to sleep on his back now. Prior to the operation he would fuss like crazy if you tried to lay him down on his back to sleep. This lead to a lot of long sleepless nights for us, because one of us would lay in bed and hold him on our chest while he slept. We asked Dr. George if the reason Robert was able to sleep on his back now was related to the surgery. His answer was very interesting. He said that children will instinctively protect themselves without really knowing why they are doing it. He said when you lay down on your back the pressure in your head always increases. Robert probably wasn't in pain, but he instinctively knew that if he was on his back it was worse for his brain. Dr. George said he sees these instincts a lot in children and tries to use them to help determine the best treatment for his patients. He said we will have to make sure that we help encourage Robert to try and do new things that might be scary, like riding a bike. He may tend to be more instinctively afraid of new things like that then he normally would have been. Again, it is just one of those things to wait and see about, but something to keep in mind.
We are still trying to catch up on sleep. We are still waiting to see if we will be discharged this evening or not. Dr. George said if Robert keeps nursing well all day we may get discharged tonight. I still think we will be here until tomorrow though.
Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as they are obviously having a positive impact!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
A light at the end of the tunnel
Robert is doing so good. He is such a tough little guy. He is actually sound asleep right now. :)You can already tell a difference in his head. The fluid has already started to drain. His incisions look very clean, and seem to be healing up. It looks like Dr. George did an amazing job for us!
The nurse thinks if everything stays like this we may get to go home tomorrow evening!
Thanks again for all the support! It has been amazing. We are continuing to pray that Robert stays free of infection, and for healing in general.
Surgery day update
Now we are looking for normal newborn activities. We want to see him eating and going to the bathroom like normal. Our other big concern now will be infection. However, he will be on antibiotics to help ensure that he doesn't get one.
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Surgery day
We talked to the neurosurgeon and he had reviewed the MRI from last night. It confirmed his diagnosis and planned location for the shunt. We were relieved to know that the MRI confirmed there were no tumors in his brain. It is just hydrocephalus and there isn't an underlying condition causing the hydrocephalus.
They took Robert into surgery at 7:44. We have about an hour and a half to wait now.
All the thoughts and prayers mean so much to us! Thank You!
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Tuesday, September 1, 2009
MRI/Surgery Update
We are supposed to be at the hospital at 6am, and the surgery will start at 7:30am. The surgery is supposed to last around an hour. It sounds like we will get to stay with him all the way up until Dr. George actually starts the procedure.
We will probably stay in the hospital for at least 48 hours. If Robert is doing really well we may get to leave Thursday evening, but more than likely it will be Friday morning/afternoon.
Thanks for all your support and prayers! It means so much to us!
On a side note, I almost managed to break the MRI machine. :) They make you leave anything metal outside the room, and there are signs all over the doors that say 'No Metal Past This Point'. After we finished I went out and grabbed Robert's clothes and walked back into the room. Oops! His clothes had metal snaps on them, which is why they were outside the room!! The nurse was really nice about it, but was obviously irritated. Lack of sleep seems to be catching up with me.
Robert Austin
During both visits to the pediatrician his head size was about the same, if not slightly smaller. We thought these were good signs and hoped for good news on Monday. He still had a great appetite and was acting like a perfect newborn!
On Monday we started off in the radiology lab to have a CT scan done on Robert's brain. This was to give the neurologist a better resolution picture of the inside of his head. After waiting for about 3 hours in the neurologist's office we finally got to meet with Dr. George. He explained that based on the CT scan Robert does have hydrocephalus. This is a condition where the fluid in the brain is not able to drain correctly, and builds up. If left unchecked the fluid will build up enough pressure to damage the brain.
With Robert's diagnosis at such a young age there is really only one option. We need to put a shunt tube inside his brain which will allow for the fluid to drain down to his abdomen. This will allow the pressure in his brain to decrease and give his brain the best chance to develop normally. This tube will have to stay in place for the rest of his life.
The surgery is scheduled for Wednesday (9/2/09) morning. The surgery takes about an hour with most of that being prep time. The actual procedure is only supposed to take about 20 minutes or so. The biggest risk with the surgery is the possibility of infection. We will have to closely monitor Robert for 6 months. After that period the risk of infection drops significantly.
As tough as this has been we think we are in good hands. Dr. George has been highly recommended to us, and both Kelly and I liked him very much. He is the Chief of Surgery for Pediatric Neurosurgery at Dell Children's. He has done this surgery around 6000 times. He seemed very honest with us, but very caring. There are a lot of unknowns, but he thinks this is the best option we have in order to try and give Robert's brain a chance to develop like it would have developed without hydrocephalus.
Yesterday, was a very tough day for us, but today brings new hope. I have a calmer feeling today and I feel like everything is going to be ok. We just have to take things one step at a time, and this is the first step. Thanks for all your support and prayers!